Casella CEL-244 [CEL-244/K2] Sound Level Meter Kit Type 2 Kit w/Software and USB Cable.The CEL-244 is a simple integrating sound level meter that is ideal for use in many situations where the noiselevels are changing too rapidly to be estimated acc urately by eye. It features 2 ranges from 30 to 100 db and 60 to 130 db and provides the standardized A and C broadband frequency weightings required by many protocols. The CEL·244 also has the Slow, Fast and Impulse lime responses. A maximum hold function with a user reset is available to capture the highest levelof noise to give a ''Worst case" measurementif needed.The unit also calculates the ongoing time average value with either the 5 dB or the 3 dB exchange rate. This makes it a usefulmeter for measurements in workplaces where an overall TWA is required or for community noise measurements by law enforcement officials to compare against localnoise ordinances. Results are displayed on a graphic LCD in either alpha numeric format or as a scrolling time history with either 1or 5 minutes lime history graph so that recent peaks and troughs may be viewed.Calibration is as simple as placing the calibrator over the microphone and switchingit on.As soon as the calibration toneis steadyitis automatically detected by the CEL·244 and the user is offered the choice of performing the calibration with a single button press. There is no need to use old fashioned screwdrivers that may getlost as the calibration takes just 5 seconds and is very easy to perform. The CEL·244 is provided with a standard quarter inch socket so that it can be mounted on a tripod or other similar fix1ures in a secure manner.A small foam windsc reen provided as a standard accessory protects the microphone from windinduced errors when making measurements and a wrist strap minimizes the risk that the meter will not be dropped when in use. Analog ac and optional de outputs are available to connect the CEL-244 to other pieces of equipment and a low power digitaloutput is also provided through the USB interface which can also be used to power the meter if required.